Climate change continues to be a primary global concern. 在mg冰球突破豪华版下载, we’ve made incorporating sustainability into the campus 和 improving our energy efficiency a strategic focus.

A major driver of this effort has been the creation of the Sustainability Committee, 一群精力充沛的教员, 工作人员, 和 students who advise the College on environmental, 财政, 和 social sustainability initiatives while providing sustainable feedback 和 support on major capital projects 和 collegiate decisions.

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A group of female students pose with upcycled items they found during the Climate Teach-In
Students smile 和 laugh as they stop by one of the tables during the 2024 Climate Teachi-In

Worldwide Teach-In on Climate 和 Justice

埃尔迈拉大学 has joined hundreds of colleges, 大学, 12年义务教育学校, 和 faith organizations to highlight the importance of finding 和 building climate solutions. 从2022年开始, EC has held a variety of productive 和 informative panel discussions focused on climate solutions 和 justice as well as its connection with art 和 media, 时尚, physical 和 mental well-being, 周边社区, 宗教, 校园可持续性. In addition to these discussions, attendees enjoyed a locally sourced meal, found items at the upcycle flea market, 和 learned about local organizations such as 坦格伍德自然中心 和 泥泞手指农场


You can see all of our panel discussions from the 2024 Teach-In On Climate & Justice through the video playlist linked below.


What's the Climate Teach-In like for our students?

Leila Tevlin '25 documented their experience during the first year of the event. 来看看!


At EC, students are helping drive sustainability initiatives for the College. To support engagement, we developed a 可持续性奖学金 然后选了四个 可持续性的领导人 -每个班一名学生. With the campus as a canvas for their ideas, the students design meaningful projects to implement 和 take the lead in figuring out how to accomplish their goals. 

A female student sorts through items in a donation bin
Two male students tend to the community garden on campus


在3美元的帮助下创建的,000 grant 和 located next to the Sustainability House, the 教学的花园 is used for aiding instruction 和 provides students who enjoy gardening a place to plant flowers, 水果, 和蔬菜. The Garden provides an opportunity to engage with the community 和 is open to LECOM faculty 和 students.相关学术项目

